Issue of communal running operational costs

Issue of communal running operational costs in a fair and relevant manner

Issue of communal running operational costs in a fair and relevant manner

  • Issue of communal running operational costs in a fair and relevant manner based on the regulations of the building or, if not available, the existing laws and legal decisions according to the decisions of the General Meeting Council.
  • Each apartment will have a complete analysis of costs, especially apartment buildings with central heating (hourly measurement, heating-measurement, volume-measurement). at the same time there will be a displayed indication of prior – previous - difference
  • Two (2) combined reports with a full analysis of the costs.
  • There will be an option to display the closed apartments which have a reduction, possibility to show the square meters or millimeters each apartment.
  • Possibility to indicate daily income.
  • Settlement of communal running operational costs within 24 hour period.